love it! a smilling pebble - now, did you notice it BEFORE you took it, or was it purely by accident? (in which case, the pebble was blatantly smiling because you were taking a photo of it - proof that even pebbles have feelings!) either way, i like the piccy foo :) very cool!
A fairly random photoblog. These will probably be all my own work (I'll make it clear if anything isn't) and are all freely available for use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
love it! a smilling pebble - now, did you notice it BEFORE you took it, or was it purely by accident? (in which case, the pebble was blatantly smiling because you were taking a photo of it - proof that even pebbles have feelings!) either way, i like the piccy foo :) very cool!
By Anonymous, at Mon Jul 24, 08:42:00 pm BST
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